Thursday, 16 February 2012

The Blogging Bug!

Is there such a thing as a Blogging Bug? If there is, I've definitely got it! 56 pageviews before i went to bed last night, and that wasn't just me clicking on the page. I even have three followers! Granted I know all three of them, and two set up an account so they could follow me, but It's all relative!

Maybe that's why, at 04.50 this morning I was lying wide awake in bed thinking about the blog. Can I upload photos along with the text? Do I need an exciting background to make the blog more appealing? I wonder if anybody will look at the blog today...And yet, this wasn't going to be something that would take over my life, after all, I don't have time for that...

How is that I wake up full of ideas about a a blog that hasn't even been running for 24 hours and yet I've never woken up at that hour (or at all for that matter), brimming with ideas for my reflective journal?! Again, any ideas much appreciated!

I'm not quite sure that a certain someone understands the blog. Well, not that that certain someone doesn't understand it, but why I'm doing it...'the whole idea of a diary is that it's private....why would you want people you don't even know reading about your life? You're not Carrie Bradshaw!' And it's true, I'm no Carrie Bradshaw, and this isn't Sex in the City, but I think if somebody somewhere reads this, then it's all worthwhile. I mean, after all, it's for my reflection...for my course...

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