Saturday, 18 February 2012


I love our dog. He is the best dog in the whole our house. And not just because he is the only dog in our house! But why is it, that when you go out for a relativley mud free walk, 5 minutes before you get back to the car, does he slosh through the biggest, yukkiest, muddiest puddle you can imagine?! I think he thinks it's funny. Thanks Buddy!

As far as dogs go, he is pretty special. He's easy to train, loyal, loving...all the things you could ask for in a dog. He's not even that manic either, well, for a Springer. He is however, incredibly clumsy and a little bit stupid. He barks at the wind. Not at people, at the wind. He thinks he can jump to reach the birds in the sky. He tries to steal other people's picnics.

Once, he ran so fast down the stairs that he headbutted the wall at the bottom. He looked a little dazed, but carried on again. The wall is a different story! There is now a nice, big hole where his head went straight through the plasterboard.

The stair carpet also needs replacing. He didn't chew it up. Instead, he pulled at a tiny frayed corner so he could lift up the carpet. And then shredded the underlay. That was a nice, soggy mess to come home to. He sat,in his bed staring at the floor when he realised I had returned, with a guilty look on his face.  Buddy hates when you say 'Oh dear' to him. That's all you need to say for him to know he's been naughty and you're not happy about it! After that he'll creep round after you, feeling all sorry for himself until you finally give in to cuddles.

He had the snip a couple of weeks ago. Now I know this can't be a nice experience for any man (or dog!) but he really did milk that one. The vet warned me on the phone that he had been crying and making a fuss since coming round from the anaesthetic. How bad could it be, I had thought? Most dog's get over these things pretty quickly. But Buddy cried and howled all the way home in the car. Rupert cried to.The more Rupert cried, the more Buddy cried; and the more Buddy cried, Rupert cried. The noise was awful. Buddy continued to cry and moan all night.

The following morning was like nothing had ever happened. He was leaping around, crashing up and down the stairs, tripping over the big bucket collar that he had to wear to stop licking at his stitches, scaring the cat. For two weeks he couldn't come off his lead when going for a walk. That wasn't much fun.

He's a big baby really. But we love him. There's never a dull moment in this household, and I wouldn't have it any other way...Well maybe I would do sometimes...But then i'm sure that would get boring...

Friday, 17 February 2012

An Impulsive Purchase

I had been watching a particular item on Ebay for a few days. Last night this listing ended. I was watching as the minutes ticked away - 5.....refresh....3.....refresh....It had just over a minute left on the auction and the bids were steadily rising. A battle between two potential buyers. I had a sudden urge, a rush, and in the last 10 seconds, I placed a bid. And won. This was a shock.

I am now the 'proud' owner of a signed Daniel Craig (as James Bond) photograph.

It does say that it is 100% genuine and even comes with a certificate of authenticity and it is from a UK seller. But I can't shake the feeling that I've been rather foolish.

My 6 (nearly 7!) year old son, Rupert, is a massive James Bond fan. He has all of the PG dvds with Bonds including Sean Connery, Roger Moore and George Lazenby. However, as soon a Pierce Brosnan took the reins, the certification of the films changes to a 12. So Rupert has never seen either of the films that Daniel Craig stars in as James Bond.

I'm not quite sure exactly what Rupert will do with the photo. Would you put something like that in a frame? Or is that a bit weird?! I wouldn't be particularly pleased if he cut it out to use as the photo on his 'spy passport'. Maybe I should sell it on...

I would highly reccommend the Bond exhibition at Beaulieu Motor Museum. We went at the weekend and it was amazing. My favourite car was, by far,  the Aston Martin DB5. The one with the ejector seat. This apparently sold at auction in 2010 for £2.6m! At least it was only a photograph that I bid on. I really am trying to work on my impulsiveness...

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Eat Less, Exercise More...

Eat less, exercise more. Sounds simple. But it's not. Well, it's not for me anyway. I've always 'yo-yoed' with my weight (never less than a size 8, never any more than a 12), but it's like my yo-yo string has snapped and I don't seem to ping back again anymore.

I know I have a muffin top. Which Steve doesn't seem to mind...but then, I guess he doesn't really have a choice. How could you tell your girlfriend (or fiancee), that she looks like a chubba and could do with losing a few pounds...without getting a whack?! I have thunder thighs too, but I can't do anything about those, they're genetic!

I love love love food. I love cooking. I love eating. I love going out for meals. I can't cut out food groups, it makes me miserable. And I'm sure you can't diet (effectively) when you're unhappy. Why would you want to not be allowed to eat something? It surely only makes you want it more, even though you may not have been all that bothered about eating it in the first place. And I'm sure that's not good for you. Is it? I've never been any good at portion control either. Pile it on! For dinner tonight we had a boozy beef casserole with lashings of red wine and a dollop of creamy mash. It was delicious though. I couldn't see myself joining a weight watching group. And I've never owned scales. But I don't want to look too much like a sturdy maid walking down the aisle! Maybe I'll try not eating sweets and chocolate. Maybe crisps as well. And I definitely won't be having sugar in my tea anymore. Unless I really need it. Like if I'm tired, or need perking up. That's ok, isn't it?!

So then we move on to exercise. I do exercise...Ish...A little. I used to do lots. But not so much anymore. I always seem to be rushing around, maybe if I rushed around with little wrist and ankle weights strapped to me that would help? I'm not a gym bunny. I never have been and never will be. I do own a rather embarrassing exercise dvd, which I can do in the comfort of my own home, but there's always someone watching. Not very motivating when you're leaping all over the place, sweating, and not quite managing to stretch into all of the positions shown by the stick thin, fully made up, manicured dolly on the screen.

I went for a run just before Christmas. I took the dog. 'Not too far', I thought. Just around the mines and back through the village. I used to run all the time. When I was at school. Before having a child. It didn't go very well. I thought I was going to die! I had to use my son's inhaler. So I haven't been running since! I like swimming. Maybe I'll try going for a swim every week. But how often should I be doing that? Is that just another something taking up more time that I don't have...Zumba looks fun. I think I'll give that a go.

This week's target - No chocolate, sweets or crisps and no sugar in my tea. Try zumba. Perhaps I should purchase some scales. Maybe if I weighed myself before I start and at the end of week 1, I'll know if that worked? Please feel free to send me any dieting tips or tricks!

The Blogging Bug!

Is there such a thing as a Blogging Bug? If there is, I've definitely got it! 56 pageviews before i went to bed last night, and that wasn't just me clicking on the page. I even have three followers! Granted I know all three of them, and two set up an account so they could follow me, but It's all relative!

Maybe that's why, at 04.50 this morning I was lying wide awake in bed thinking about the blog. Can I upload photos along with the text? Do I need an exciting background to make the blog more appealing? I wonder if anybody will look at the blog today...And yet, this wasn't going to be something that would take over my life, after all, I don't have time for that...

How is that I wake up full of ideas about a a blog that hasn't even been running for 24 hours and yet I've never woken up at that hour (or at all for that matter), brimming with ideas for my reflective journal?! Again, any ideas much appreciated!

I'm not quite sure that a certain someone understands the blog. Well, not that that certain someone doesn't understand it, but why I'm doing it...'the whole idea of a diary is that it's private....why would you want people you don't even know reading about your life? You're not Carrie Bradshaw!' And it's true, I'm no Carrie Bradshaw, and this isn't Sex in the City, but I think if somebody somewhere reads this, then it's all worthwhile. I mean, after all, it's for my reflection...for my course...

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Blank screen syndrome...Where to start, what to write...My first post on my first blog. Pressure. Should I appear witty, start with a famous quote, will people read this? Why did I think this was a good idea?!
The truth is, I'm not very computer literate, I don't want this blog to take over my life, I don't have the time for that! (At least I've written something now, the blank,white text box seems less scary!)

About me. I'm 24. I live in a small village in Cornwall with my partner; Steve, my 6 (nearly 7) year old son; Rupert, Henry the cat and Buddy the dog. I work as a teaching assistant at a primary school, I'm studying for a degree in teaching and I'm also planning for our wedding next year. So, loads of time for a blog!

The truth is, I've always liked the idea of keeping a diary but never actually stuck at it. However, as part of my degree I have to keep a reflective journal. This hasn't been going very well. I'm not really sure how I should be keeping it, or what I should be writing in it....Hence the blog. This seemed fun. I liked the idea that somebody somewhere may read this and that would be the motivation to continue writing. Help and tips greatly received!

This blog will be, as the title states, about life,laughs,love and learning. Maybe not always daily, but near enough! The name 'iheartpav' came about as Rupert's most favourite thing in the world, (alongside James Bond and lego!) is Aunty Celia's Pavlova. It therefore seems fitting to include my most loved pavlova recipe, courtesy of Nigella Lawson.

You will need:

(For the meringue base)
8 egg whites
500g caster sugar
4tsp cornflour
2tsp white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

(For the topping)
650ml/1 pint double cream
plenty of fruit of your choice!

1. Preheat oven to 180C/Gas 4
2. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and roughly draw a 25cm circle onto it with non-toxic pencil.
3. Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form when the whisk is removed.
4. Whisk in sugar, 1 tbsp at a time until stiff peaks form when whisk is removed.
5. Sprinkle cornflour, vinegar and vanilla over the egg white and fold lightly with a metal spoon.
6. Spoon meringue mix onto baking parchment within circle. Flatten top and smooth sides.
7. Pop in oven. Reduce temp to 120C/Gas 1/2. Cook for 1 hour, turn off oven and leave to cool.
8. Once cool, remove meringue and place onto plate or stand. Remove baking parchment.
9. For the topping, whip the cream until soft peaks form. Spoon onto meringue spreading right to the edges.
10. Top with chosen fruit and dive in!

Enjoy the pav! Thanks for reading my first post! I shall return!xxx